Nuclear option in Copenhagen?

On the first day of talks at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Kevin Conrad, Papua New Guinea's Special Envoy and Ambassador for Environment and Climate Change, surprised many by…

Current decade is the warmest on record

As 192 countries meet in Copenhagen to wrangle out a complex and at times sticky agreement to combat climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released new evidence that…

REDD in Madagascar

Despite damage from ongoing illegal logging, Madagascar's remaining forests are poised to benefit from the proposed REDD mechanism, a U.N.-backed scheme that would compensate tropical developing countries for reducing emissions…

Copenhagen and Brazilian Megalomania

Reducing forest loss at home, Brazil may be driving deforestation elsewhere When people think about preserving the Amazon rainforest, captivating animals may come to mind such as the jaguar, toucan…

Deforestation in Indonesia

Deforestation and peatlands degradation is Indonesia's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for more than 80 percent of the country's CO2 emissions. Indonesia lost some 21.7 million hectares of…

A beautiful moth

I have no idea of the identity of this species of moth, but it made an impression when I came across it in Las Cruces, Costa Rica in 2008. More…

Angel Falls in Venezuela

Photo taken in 1996. This part of Venezuela is the most beautiful place I have ever seen among the 70+ countries I have visited. Angel Falls is the world's highest…