Pueblo Indians Pueblo Indians Research Starters: Anasazi and Pueblo Indians
...content resource includes a general article on the Anasazi and Pueblo Indians, followed

Information about the Pueblo Indians
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About Taos Pueblo - New Mexico Native American Indians
Indians, particularly at our San Geronimo Day fair in September. A Pow Wow, held

SOUTHWEST NATIVE AMERICANS. ... The Southwest Native Americans come from the states of

Index of Native American Electronic Text Resources on the Internet
Elisabeth Luther Cary Remaining Causes of Indian Discontent John M. Oskison Songs

Index of Native American Bibliography Resources on the Internet
South America from The Infography Archaeology - Pueblo Indians from The ... Bibliography

American Indians, Native Americans, History of a Proud People. ...
...largest and area reserved for Native Americans - 17 ... culturally with the Zuni and

Native American Tribes and Cultures
Indians from DiscoverySchool, (6) Native American Mohegans Montagnais (Innu ... 1) Pueblo

Pueblo people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are now some 35,000 Pueblo Indians, living mostly in New Mexico and Arizona

Settlements in North America
Native American Shelters. Southwest. The Native Americans of the Southwest

Zuni Fetishes from Native American Pueblo Indians
Zuni Fetishes Direct. Order Now, ...

American Indian Webquest
...to learn about Woodland Indians, Plains Indians and Pueblo Indians. ... be able to learn

Browse the Modern English Collection -- Electronic Text Center
...texts Other users: search all unrestricted works including Native American texts.

Albuquerque's Environmental Story - Pueblo Indians Influence
The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and Arizona are descendants of the first ... diseases,

Native Americans
...org/index.cfm?module=ipcc&pn=3 New Mexico's Pueblo Indians - http://members ... Fifth

Southwest Native Americans
Life on the Edge an interactive story investigating theories about why ancient Pueblo

Yahooligans! - Around the World:Countries:United States:Cultures ...
TimeKeeper - discover the rich history of the American Southwest on this ThinkQuest

Native Americans
Albuquerque's Environmental Story - Pueblo Indians Influence Collapse ... CENTER Home

Pueblo Native Americans of the Great Basin Desert - DesertUSA
Native American Desert Peoples. ...

Native American Home Pages - Nations
98; updated 6/13/00; Mohegan History Added 7/3/00; Native American Mohegans Added

...on the Internet; Native American Indians; Native American Sites; NativeWeb Home

...in Greek mythology to denote swiftness, but among the Pueblo Indians snakes and ... This

English 201- The Pueblos
...of a Kiva (the religious and sacred haven of the Pueblo Indians) and provides ... For

Hummingbirds in Native American Mythology
...rich supply of stories about these tiny birds in Native American mythology ... The Pueblo

Native Americans
Scholastic - Native American Cultures - Anasazi and Pueblo Indians. Sitting Bull -

Pueblo Indians -- Encyclopædia Britannica
Pueblo Indians the historic descendants of the prehistoric ... Regional styles of American

All About Native Americans
Native American Stories, The Cherokee Nation. ... The Pueblo Indians. The Pueblo

Native American Masks
The most renowned native mask-makers were the Northwest ... The Hopi and other Pueblo

Department of History Home Page
1900) A pioneer Ethnologist and friend of the Zuni Pueblo Indians, one of the most

Native American Genealogy Links
Pueblo Indians. ... American Indian Adoption Service Three Feathers Associates PO Box

Native American Mythology: North Gods
Native American: North Gods. ... AWONAWILONA (Pueblo Indians) "The One Who Contains

Zuni Fetishes, American Indian Jewelry, Pueblo Pottery, Hopi ...
Paintings: The easel art of the Navajo Indians and Pueblo Indians is world ... Books

National Parks - Native American (OY)
...than 15,000 prehistoric and historic Native American and Hispanic ... Monument From this

National Parks - Native American (AF)
Go to Native American Heritage (National Parks OY). ... Bandelier National Monument The

Native American Criminal Justice Resources
Navajo Nation. Navajo Nation. New Mexico's Pueblo Indians. News From Native California.

...operation employing over 100 persons in an area where Native American unemployment

Santa Fe New Mexico Pueblo: native american history
Native American History in Santa Fe The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and Arizona

Santa Fe New Mexico history: spanish and native american history
Pueblo Indians occupied Santa Fe until 1692-93, when don Diego de Vargas reestablished

Center For Land Grant Studies - Native American Books
Native American Books. ... 1450 to 1650 helps us to understand the Native Americans living

American Indian Hertiage Month
Native American Resources - Stories & Prayers with Exercise. ... Many Swans: Sun Myth

Guidon Books - Native American Indian Books
...of the military struggle for the American West in ... of the soldiers, noncombatants,

Encyclopedia of North American Indians - - Textiles
...the Southwest; it remains the loom in general use by Native American hand weavers

CMMR - Native American Resources
Resources A tremendously comprehensive hypertext index of Native American resources,

Native American Resources at the Smithsonian
Encounters," which examines 500 years of relationships among Pueblo Indians, Anglos

Native American Performance
...the Tewa Pueblo Indians. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research, 1985. Wescott,

Indigenous Peoples of New Mexico
Enterprises Pueblo People Clans Calendar of Native American Events and Dances in

Native American Culture & History :: Diverse History & Culture ...
Among New Mexico's non-Pueblo Indians, the Navajo are best known for their mastery

WestWeb: Native Americans in the West
Finally, under Images, you will find both general collections which include some

Culture & Attractions
Western New Mexico has a history rich with Native American culture. ... has never been

The Pueblo People are a group of Native Americans who live in New Mexico and in Arizona. When first encountered by the Spanish in the 1500s they were living in adobe and stonework towns, mainly in the Rio Grande valley and thus were called "Pueblos," pueblo being the Spanish word for town. About 25 pueblos exist today, Taos, Acoma, Zuni and Hopi the most well known.

The Pueblo Indians consist of six distinct groups, each with its own language:
  1. Hopi language group
  2. Keres language group
  3. Tanoan language group
  4. Zuni language group
They are believed to be descended from the three major cultures that dominated the region before European contact:
  1. Mogollon, an area near the Gila wilderness
  2. Hohokam, archaelogical term for a settlement in the Southwest
  3. Ancient Pueblo Peoples
Historically, they supported themselves mostly by agriculture, although they live in one of the more arid regions in North America. European settlement began in the late sixteenth century, but the desert surrounding the Rio Grande Valley precluded massive intrusions into Indian land until the mid-nineteenth century. As a result and despite forced conversions to Catholicism by the Spanish, the Pueblo tribes have been able to maintain much of their traditional lifestyle. There are now some 35,000 Pueblo Indians, living mostly in New Mexico and Arizona along the Rio Grande and Colorado River.

They were the first to successfully revolt against the Spanish in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, which expelled the Spanish for 12 years. It began August 10th; by August 21st, Santa Fe fell.

Most of the Pueblos have annual ceremonies that are open to the public. In many cases, one such ceremony is the Pueblo's feast day, held on the day sacred to its Roman Catholic patron saint. (These saints were assigned by the Spanish missionaries so that each Pueblo's feast day would coincide with a traditional ceremony.) Some Pueblos also have ceremonies around the Christmas holidays and at other times of the year. The ceremonies usually feature traditional dances outdoors accompanied by singing and drumming, interspersed with non-public ceremonies in the kivas. They may also include a Roman Catholic Mass and processions.

Formerly, all outside visitors to a public dance would be offered a meal in a Pueblo home, but because of the large number of visitors, such meals are now by personal invitation only.

Some feast days appear in the list below.

List of Pueblos In 1924 these peoples were granted US citizenship. In 1948, they were granted the right to vote in New Mexico. Pueblo Indians