Chippewa Chippewa Native Americans: Chippewa Indian Tribe (Ojibway First Nations ...
Nimisse: Personal family history of a Chippewa woman. Native American Genealogy: Direction for those seeking Ojibway and other American Indian ancestors. ...

Ojibwe Language and the Ojibwe Indian Tribe (Chippewa, Ojibway ... Native American languages (including Ojibway). Ojibwe Language Resources Available Offline. Concise Minnesota Ojibwe Dictionary: v Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa ...

Native American Home Pages - Nations
Chippewa Cree Tribal Council - at Rocky Boy Added 6/20/97; updated 8/1 ... Lumbee River Pathways - Added 4/24/01; The Museum of the Native American Resources Center ...

Chippewa Native American Genealogy
Indian Genealogy. Chippewa Native American Genealogy. Chippewa Indian Records. ... Query Forums. Post a Chippewa Query (hosted by Native American Genealogy). ...

Chippewa Native American Mailing List
Chippewa Native American Mailing List. Chippewa Mailing List. Purpose of this Mail List. To help the Chippewa researchers find ways ...

Native American Indian Songs Online, Native American Indian Song ...
WHY SHOULD I BE JEALOUS? (Chippewa). WIND SONG (Adapted). WIND SONG (Kiowa). ... Songs According to Tribes. Native American "Indian" Dance. Ernest Thompson Seton's: ...

People of the Three Fires Native Genealogy
Native Americans in Michigan Established in 1996. "People of the Three Fires": There are three major tribal groups in Michigan today: the Chippewa (Ojibwe), the ...

Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Chippewa
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to United States > Native American > Chippewa. ...

Native American Authors: Chippewa Tribe
...of the Chippewa-Cree culture, and for the educational training of its tribal membership." URL: Return to Native American ...

Storytellers: Native American Authors Online: Anishnaabe/Chippewa ...
Turtle Storyteller by Randy Chitto, Storytellers Native American Authors Online Anishnaabe/Chippewa/Ojibway. ...

WWWVL: American Indians - Cultural Resources
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Heritage Center Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribe White ... net Indigenous Research Center of the Americas Native American Studies Department ...

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
...from the Encyclopedia of North American Indians. ... Chippewa First Nation ... Anishinabe ...

Erie. Metoac. Ojibwe (Chippewa). Wappinger. Fox. Miami. Ottawa. Wenro. Huron. Micmac. Pennacook. Winnebago. A Listing of Native American Web Page Sites. ... - Links to Native American Tribes and Resources
NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES. NOTICE: Listing on this page does not constitute endorsement or approval of a site's content. ... The Chickasaw Nation. CHIPPEWA. Connections ...

Native Americans - Chippewa
Native Americans - American Indians, The First People of America. Chippewa aka Ojibwa. The group of Native North Americans whose language ...

Native Americans - Sites
Ottawa Treaty Fishery Management Authority (MI) Chippewa Treaty Fishing ... Fish Commission Cyber Learn Salmon Links Bibliography: Native American Fishing Rights. ...

Students On Site: Native Americans: Introduction
...comes from the Chippewa words waushte and nong, which together mean "the land beyond." It is impossible to map the locations of Native American tribes because ...

Great Lakes Intertribal Council, Inc.
Native American Tourism of Wisconsin Home Page. American Indian / Alaska Native Tourism Conference Radisson Hotel & Conference Center ...

Tribes and Nations
...largest and area reserved for Native Americans - 17 million ... major nomadic tribe in the American Southwest, the ... whose name comes from the Chippewa omaumeg, or ...

anishinabe chippewa ojibwe native american social studies
...people in the northern United States and southern Canada." Lots of additional links - From Native - ...

Native American Constitutions
Constitution of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians; Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower Brule ... Go to Native American Constitutions Main Page ...

Native American Formulas - Medicinal Herbs Online
1. The Chippewa Native Americans usually did not drink water encountered in traveling, but boiled it, using some of the following herbs as a beverage. ...

NativeWeb Resources: Native American Tribal Pages
Little Shell Chippewa Tribe, Chippewa, US - Northwest, 450. ... These pages are devoted to the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American tribe in the Southwest. ...

NativeWeb Resources: US Tribal Pages (BIA Recognized)
Little Shell Tribe, Chippewa, US - Northwest, 791. ... These pages are devoted to the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American tribe in the Southwest. ...

L'Anse Reservation) Ojibwe The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Sandy Lake Band of Ojibwe Rose's Native American Stuff - Ojibwe Ojibwe (Chippewa) Ojibwe Newsletter ...

Cheyenne Language. Chippewa/Ojibwe Language. ... Tribes and Contact Phone Numbers by State Native Art and Technology Page. Native American Biographies and Wisdom. ...

NativeTech: Dream Catchers
There are many Native American stories and legends about spiders and webs, but the Ojibwe (called Chippewa by others) originated the dream catcher. ...

Baby Name Guide - Native American Baby Names
Ahmik, Native-American, M, Beaver, Chippewa, Add. Ahote, Native-American, M, Restless one, Hopi, Add. ... Ayasha, Native-American, F, Little one, Chippewa, Add. ...

Baby Name Guide - Native American Baby Names
Ahmik, Native-American, M, Beaver, Chippewa, Add. Adsila, Native-American, F, Blossom, Cherokee, Add. ... Ayasha, Native-American, F, Little one, Chippewa, Add. ...

Native American Business Development Center - Minnesota Chippewa ... • Operated by the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Enjoy some welcoming music! Click here to learn more. The Native American Business Development ...

Native American Culture - Sacred, Symbols
Fond du lac Reservation is reknown for his traditional Chippewa pipes and ... Economic Development council are planning on making a Native American Theme/Amusement ...

Native American Cultures - Native Nations
Native Wisconsin Mostly Chippewa. ... Navajo Nation Official Web Site of The Navajo Nation (Diné), the largest Native American tribe in the Southwest. ...

Native American Indian Tribes
Chippewa Homepage. Sault Ste Marie Tribe of the Chippewa Indians. Choctaw. Choctaw. Choctaw Home Page. Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Native American & Okie Page. ...

Native American Law -
NATIVE AMERICAN LAW. Home > Legal Research > Topic Index > Native American Law Supreme Court Decisions. ... Native American Law Regulations & Statutes. ...

Native Am. Research in Mich.
Sep 1999 added links to "History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of ... Records by Blue Roses Publishing Company - Entire US Census including Native Americans. ...

Free Genealogy
Tribes by Location Using Handbook of Native Americans, we have ... Mortuary Customs Among the North American Indians Complete ... of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of ...

EasyFunSchool - Native Americans: Tribes of the USA - Article ...
Arikara Chippewa Hankpapa Hankpapa Hidatsa Mandan Sioux. ... you might be interested in visiting any of the over 800 listings for Native American tribes, nations ...

War Stories: American Warrior Tribute pages: Stories, Photos ...
Native American Flags. ... Seal, a_flag_kialegee-creek-confederacy, a_flag_leech-lake- ojibwe-chippewa, a_flag_LyttonBandOfPomoIndians, a_flag_makah-nation, ...

Native Books for sale
Ojibwa Native American Book Store. I have read the following books and can personally recommend them! ... Our Price: $24.95. Chippewa Indians As Recorded by Rev. ...

Federally Recognized Native American Tribes -- Courtesy of The ...
Federally Recognized Native American Tribes. ... Indians of the Augustine Reservation, California Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of ...

MarcoGram November 2003 -- Exploring American Indian and Alaskan ...
Discover the differences among American Indian and Alaskan Native tribes in: "Anishinabe - Ojibwe - Chippewa: Culture of an Indian Nation" (3-5) from EDSITEment ...

American Indian Tribes
See Iroquois Confederacy Cayuse Cherokee Cheyenne Chickasaw Chinook Chippewa (Ojibwa) Choctaw ... Biographies of Notable American Indians American Indians by the ...

links to recommended sites
Listen to the sounds of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Nation. Native American Journalism Association Organization of Native American radio and print journalists ...

FindLaw: Legal Subjects: Indian and Native Peoples Law: Primary ...
Native American Constitutions From the University of Oklahoma Law ... and Corporate Charter of the Native Village of ... Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Native ...

Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Chippewa - The Father ...
Learn about Chippewa Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American Culture, Native American history, religion, spirituality, and mythology. ...

Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute
Croix Chippewa Tribe, Forest County Potawatomi Community, Oneida Nation, Stockbridge-Munsee Indians of ... Index of Native American Resources on the Internet. ...

Native American Resources
Mountain Chippewa (North Dakota) The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians provide links to Native American resources. ...

the™ directory - Society - Ethnicity - The ...
Native Americans ? Tribes, Nations and Bands ? Federations ? Three Fires Council. Links (in random order). Lac Courte Oreilles Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe ...

Native American Flags-Introduction and Table
These are pictures of Native American Flags that have been sent to me by various people and sources over a couple of years; as well probably a couple that I ...

The Ojibwa or Chippewa (also Ojibwe, Ojibway, Chippeway or Anishinabek) are the third-largest group of Native Americans/First Nations in the United States, surpassed only by Cherokee and Navajo. They are about equally divided between the United States and Canada. Because they formerly had their main residence at Sault Ste. Marie, at the outlet of Lake Superior, the French referred to them as Saulteurs; Ojibwa who subsequently moved to the Prairie provinces of Canada have retained the name Saulteaux.

The Ojibwe language belong to the great Algonquian stock and are related to the Ottawa and Cree. The major component group of the Anishinaabe, they number over 100,000 living in an area stretching across the north from Michigan to Montana. Another 76,000, in 125 bands, live in Canada. They are known for their canoes and wild rice, and for the fact that they were the only Indian nation to defeat the Sioux. [1]

The name "Chippewa" is an anglicized corruption of "Ojibwa". Although "Chippewa" is more common in the United States and "Ojibwa" predominates in Canada, both terms do exist in both countries.


According to their own tradition, they came from the east, advancing along the Great Lakes, and had their first settlement in their present country at Sault Ste. Marie and Shaugawaumikong (French, Chegoimegon) on the southern shore of Lake Superior, near the present Lapointe or Bayfield, Wisconsin. Their first historical mention occurs in the Jesuit Relation of 1640. Through their friendship with the French traders they were able to obtain guns and thus successfully end their hereditary wars with the Sioux and Foxes on their west and south, with the result that the Sioux were driven out from the Upper Mississippi region, and the Foxes forced down from northern Wisconsin and compelled to ally with the Sauk. By the end of the eighteenth century the Chippewa were the nearly unchallenged owners of almost all of present-day Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and Minnesota, including most of the Red River area, together with the entire northern shores of Lakes Huron and Superior on the Canadian side and extending westward to the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, where they became known as the Plains Ojibwa.

The Ojibwa were part of a long term alliance with the Ottawa and Potawatomi First Nations, called the Council of Three Fires and which fought with the Iroquois Confederacy and the Sioux. The Ojibwa expanded eastward taking over the lands alongside the eastern shores of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. The Ojibwa allied themselves with the French in the French and Indian War, and with the British in the War of 1812.

In the U.S., they were never removed as so many other tribes have been, but by successive treaty sales they are now restricted to reservations within this territory, with the exception of a few families living in Kansas.

In Canada, the cession of land by treaty or purchase was governed by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and subsequently most of the land in Upper Canada was ceded to the Crown. See Treaty Timeline - Individual Treaties with maps at [2].


Most Ojibwa, except for the Plains bands, lived a sedentary lifestyle, engaging in fishing, hunting, the farming of maize and squash, and the harvesting of Manoomin (wild rice). Their typical dwelling was the wiigiwaam (wigwam) or the waaginogan, made of birch bark, juniper bark and willow saplings. The Ojibwe language belongs to the Algonquian linguistic group. They also developed a form of pictorial writing used in religious rites of the Midewiwin and recorded on birch bark scrolls.

The Ojibwe people and culture are alive and growing today. During the summer months, the people attend pow-wows or "pau waus" at various reservations in the US and reserves in Canada. Many people still follow the traditional ways of harvesting wild rice, picking berries, hunting and making maple sugar.

The legend of the Ojibwa "Windigo," in which tribesmen supposedly identify with a mythological cannabalistic monster and prey on their families is mentioned in the fiction of Thomas Pynchon. A native tribe that is never specifically named but is probably the Ojibwe features prominently in the writings of Ernest Hemingway

Several bands of Ojibwe cooperate in the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission which manages their treaty hunting and fishing rights. The commission cooperates with U.S. agencies to run several wilderness areas. See List of U.S. state and tribal wilderness areas.

Clan system

The Ojibwe people were divided into a number of doodem (clans) named for animal totems. This served as a system of government as well as a means of dividing labor. The five main totems were Crane, Catfish, Loon, Bear and Marten. The Crane totem was the most vocal among the Ojibwe, and the Bear was the largest -- so large, in fact, that it was sub-divided into body parts such as the head, the ribs and the feet.

There were at least twenty-one totems in all, recorded by William Whipple Warren: Crane, Catfish, Loon, Bear, Marten, Wolf, Reindeer, Merman, Pike, Lynx, Eagle, Rattlesnake, Moose, Black Duck, Sucker, Goose, Sturgeon, White Fish, Beaver, Gull, and Hawk. Some totems indicate non-Ojibwe origins, such as the Wolf for Dakota.

Bands and First Nations of Ojibwe people

Bands are listed under their respective tribes where possible