Abenaki Abenaki Native Americans: Abenaki Indian Tribe (Abanaki, Abenakis, Abenaki ...
Native American Authors: Abenaki Tribe: Six Abenaki writers' lives and work. Gluskabi

Penobscot-Abenaki Language (Abénakis, Abenaquis, Abnaki, Abenaqui ...
Native American Names for Pets: Our new fundraiser offering names for dogs and other

Abenaki Home Page
NEWS. I wish to make it clear that this is my personal Abenaki Native American Indian

Links to other NA Sites
Abenaki Native American Outreach Program. Abenaki Self-Help Association, Inc. (ASHAI).

Native Americans
...look into a few of literally hundreds of tribes and bands that existed in North

Native Americans - Penobscot
Common Abenaki Words - http://www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/menu_lag.shtml Semantically

Native Americans - Ancestry
Blue Wolf's Abenaki Indian Home Page - Abenaki tribal heritage, with many Abenaki

Native American Political Issues Home
Wabanaki & Abenaki Resources Listing of Wabanaki and Abenaki Native American

Wabanaki and Abenaki Internet Resources
Listing of Wabanaki and Abenaki Native American Sites.

Native American Tribes and Cultures
Land, (6) Abenaki (Abanaki, Abenakis, Alnombak) from Native Languages of the Americas

Native American Authors: Abenaki Tribe
Abenaki Home Page Author: Steve Miller Type: tribal Description: This is a personal

Native American Authors: Joseph Bruchac
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors Project. Joseph Bruchac , 1942-.

Abenaki Warrior-Native American Reviews
Being of Native American heritage, I was fascinated by the way Mr. Kayworth combined

Abenaki Warrior-Links To Other Native American Sites
Abenaki Warrior. The Life and Times of Chief Escumbuit. by Alfred E. Kayworth. ...

Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Abenaki
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to

Yahooligans! - Around the World:Countries:United States:Cultures ...
...just this category. Sites: Abenaki History - detailed information on the history,

Fox. Miami. Ottawa. Wenro. Huron. Micmac. Pennacook. Winnebago. A Listing of Native

EDSITEment - Lesson Plan
...way of life of some Native American groups. The lesson begins with a discussion

Abenaki Indian Genealogy
Abenaki Native American Indian Page (hosted by Steve Miller). ... Language. Abenaki

Abenaki Customs and Beliefs
...soil. Taken in part from: Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico,

Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--NativeAmericans in ...
Great Plains, 1880-1920 From the Library of Congress this site includes brief history

Corn Learn about Abenaki Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American

Maine Native American links
Waponahki Museum and Resource Center: Pleasant Point, PO Box 295, Perry, ME 04667,

NATIVE AMERICAN, ABENAKI. Abenaki in Vermont: A History for Students and

Elementary Library Services, Monadnock Regional School District ...
The Native American Indians that lived in New Hampshire were part of the Algonquian

...group. As is the case with many Native languages in North America, the Abenaki

Native American Genealogy Resources
The word "Iroquois" is a French variation of an Abenaki word which ... The following

Storytellers: Native American Authors Online: Abenaki - Cree
Congratulations to Devon Mihesuah whose book American Indigenous Women: Decolonization,

The Abenakis
The settlers drove the Abenaki away from ... Many members of the Native Tribes were kidnapped

NATIVE LANGUAGE LIST. Abenaki Language. ... Tribes and Contact Phone Numbers by State

Abenaki Myth - Native American Mythology
Literature: Classic, Abenaki Myth - Native American Mythology. The Abenaki tribe

Student Congressional Town Meeting
Hon. BERNARD SANDERS in the House of Representatives on behalf of FELLICIA GAGNE

Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Abenaki - The Strange ...
Learn about Abenaki Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American Culture,

Native American Indian Folklore - Links to Native American Sites ...
Seven Eyes, Seven Legs : Supernatural Stories of the Abenaki by Gerard ... by Catherine

The Abenaki Language
The Abenaki Language. The Abenaki language is classified by linguists as belonging

White Dove's Native American Indian Site Abenaki
Though some Abenaki groups supported the American cause during the Revolution,

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
Abenaki Language (6) Chief Greylock (2) Folklore (8) Genealogy (2). Related Category:

NH Historical Society - Native Americans of New Hampshire
Circle of Life - The Abenaki Calendar: Classroom Activity Students study a Native

VPT Online: Abenaki of Vermont
Six Native American kits are available, including an Abenaki kit with projectile

Thousands of NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES for your dog, horse, cat ...
NATIVE AMERICAN NAMES Some Name ideas from various Native American dialects.

Homework Center - Native American Sites
Abenaki Home Page http://millennianet.com/slmiller/abenaki/index.htm Abenaki history

Updated by Ms. Rudolph 11/02 Kid Info: Native American Reference Sources The MOST

Web Links - History & Culture Web Sites
Americans; MA Archive - Native American Topics - Card Index Online; Davistown

Surfing the Net with Kids: Native Americans
..."Native Americans have occupied northern New England for at least 10,000 years.

NativeTech: Northeast Region - Northern New England Tribes ...

Regional : Ethnic : Native American All Genealogy Sites Directory
Blue Wolf's Abenaki Indian Home Page Abenaki tribal heritage, with many Abenaki

- Looking for Abenaki ancestors | Native American Indian Tribes ...
Sunday, June 13 2004. · Native American powwows in the Northwest. ... Rum River Name

Native American Author and Illustrator Book List
...(Abenaki author). Bruchac, Joseph and Gayle Ross. The Girl Who Married the Moon:

The Abenaki (also Wabanaki), meaning people of the dawn, are a tribe of Native Americans/First Nations belonging to the Algonquian peoples of the Northeast portion of North America.

The Abenakis inhabited the area that includes parts of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces in Canada, and portions of the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine in the United States. The language of the Abenakis shared common roots with neighboring tribes such as the Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Norridgewock, Passamaquoddy, Penawapskewi, (otherwise known as Penobscot), and other New England tribes. There were significant cultural differences between the Algonquian tribes and those of the Five Nations with spiritual differences being the most noticeable. Interestingly, the language of the Cree bears striking similarity in grammar construct as well as word, possible due to early trade routes.

There are very few native speakers of the original Abenaki language still alive, and they are all in Canada. While there are members of the tribe living in close proximity to each other in Quebec and Vermont, most other Abenakis have dispersed into the general population.

Abenakis are not a federally recognized tribe in the United States, unlike almost all of the other eastern tribes. This is due to the decimation or assimilation of the Abenaki and subsequent isolation of each small remnant of the greater whole onto reservations during and after the French and Indian War, well before the US government began acknowledging the sovereignty of native tribes in the late twentieth century. Facing decimation, the Abenakis began immigrating to Canada, then under French control, around 1669 where they were granted two seigneuries. The first seigneurie was established on the Saint-François river and is now known as the Odanak Indian Reserve, the second was established on the river Bécancour and is now known as the Wôlinak Indian Reserve.

The Abenaki were ruled by elected chiefs called Sagamores, who usually served for life but could be impeached. They had little actual power, but European colonizers still treated them like monarchs, resulting in many miscommunications and oversimplifications. Abenaki